Sunday, 20 February 2011

During Sharon's week here she produced the first landscape portfolio for the photography holiday experience here in Essaouira.  On Wednesday we went to a village 40km south of Essaouira and trekked amongst the fossilised remains of a former seabed before dwelling on the stream that flows past Sidi m'bark towards the waterfalls and sea. Thursday was a national holiday and with Naima's family we went to a fete near Had-Draa, north of Essaouira which displayed a quite primitive looking fairground wheel which nonetheless enthralled the local children.  By Friday night we were up for some local music with the most famous Gnawi of them all, Mahmoud Guiniawho despite an impromptu evening off played one fabulous song before we headed home.

Essaouiraimages is all about experiencing Moroccan culture beyond the tourist trail.  Each day we focus on a different photographic genre that explores different parts of the town and beyond.  You'll meet new people along the way and feel as if you've been here for a lifetime.  It's an intense experience but one that draws people to return again.  By the end of the week students are confident and independent with their photography and they've met many people and seen places that independent tourists rarely get to experience.